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E3 2017 | Gameplay Trailer for Fortnite Builds Hype

The upcoming, Fortnite by, Epic Games and, People Can Fly has treated us to a E3 special trailer showing gameplay in action.

Fortnite sees players taking control of characters in a third-person perspective as they fight to survive against waves of monsters. During the day players are to scavenge for supplies and items to craft their shelter, and then during the night they’re to defend themselves and their team mates against the waves of enemies. This goes on for fourteen in-game nights.

There are four classes to choose from, and various weapons and traps to use. Players can start building a treehouse for defence, but can then upgrade it to a Shack, and then Fortress.

The title will be arriving on Early Access on the 25th of July, and will be available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Mac. Players can purchase the “Founders Pack” and get access to the game on the 21st of July with the addition of the “Storm Master Weapon Pack”.

The Epic Games team will be at E3 this year, so keep an eye out for them.

Source: Fortnite Website
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