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E3 2017 | Gameplay Trailer For A Hat In Time Arrives

A Hat In Time has landed itself an E3 gameplay trailer showing…well…gameplay.

From developer, Gears for Breakfast comes A Hat In Time, originally announced in 2013 and a title due to arrive sometime this Fall. The game was originally on Kickstarter and achieved a total of $296,360, quite a lot more than their $30,000 goal. In fact it became largest Kickstarter-funded indie 3D platformer. Not bad.

The game looks at the story of Hat Kid, a girl travelling space and finds herself becoming stranded, surrounded by strange, bizarre, and weird dimensions, with evil creatures and spirits. Her goal is to explore the world, using a wide range of magical hat that she has created herself from items around her. She’ll need to find time pieces and get back to her spaceship to leave

The Media Indie Exchange that’s happening on June the 14th will be seeing A Hat In Time showing there, and those attending the E3 Week Mix 2017 will get to play the brand new level, “Murder on the Owl Express”. A level that takes an inspiring turn from noir murder mysteries, and will see attendees trying to solve and actual murder on an actual train, just like an actual Agatha Christie story. Find clues while rushing against time and using Hat Kid’s magic.

In general, the game will feature five large open worlds and even cooperative play for both local play or Online. Oh and badges can be found and award Hat Kid with new abilities.

A Hat In Time is due to launch this year sometime this Fall in conjunction with Humble Bundle. The game is to be available on PC, and Mac. The new trailer found below shows the third chapters gameplay, teasing what players can expect to play at E3.

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