Big Boss Battle
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BOOT | Divinum

This BOOT looks at a title bring crowdfunded over on Indiegogo. Divinum is a side-scrolling action game set in a dark fantasy themed world by developer, Vladislav Zyuzyakov from Divinum Team. The title is looking to secure a $1,000 target by the 3rd of May.

At the time of writing this, the title has 23 days left of crowdfunding, and is currently sat at $100 backed in total, with the target aiming to get $1,000 for the title to be fully funded. Ten backers support the title also, and Divinum is also looking for votes on Steam Greenlight to get onto the Steam Store.

Divinum is a title all about the dark, fantasy world in which the player controls a maiden who finds herself becoming sacrificed by the followers of an evil deity. The thing is, she survives and thus begins her adventure on getting out and getting revenge. It’s a title that aims to bring fighting, puzzle solving, and mysteries to investigate.

The combat within the title is supposed to give players a dynamic experience, with combos and skills being tied together to make some badass attacks. Players will need to think though as there are various enemies to conquer, and each ones require certain types of attacks, with quick attack monsters being able to attack you while you perform a slow charged attack, and so on and so forth.

There are plans to incorporate seven hand crafted levels, each with their own boss amongst the pixel art themed world. And players are to be able to upgrade their powers and customise themselves.

There are no stretch goals to announce yet, but should the funding exceed $1,000 then they shall begin to reveal them. The developer does however state their future plans being that they want to get te title on Steam, and this would mean a PC, Mac, and Linux release, but they’d like to be able to port the title to consoles.

You can view their Indiegogo campaign by going here


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