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Galaxy of Pen and Paper Releasing July, Platforms Confirmed

Behold Studios (Knights of Pen & Paper, Chroma Squad) have confirmed that their next title, Galaxy of Pen & Paper, will be launching this July for PC, Mac, Linux, iOS & Android

Galaxy of Pen and Paper, which is a science fiction twist on the developer’s Knights of Pen and Paper, adds a mass of new features to the successful mix of their 2013 title. Like the earlier title it’s set to retain the pixelated art style,  fourth-wall humour, and player-controlling-characters-who-are-players-playing-characters in an RPG mechanic.

New features include spaceship battles, branching story-lines, and more.

The attentive will remember that we covered the game’s announcement back in January, and while new details are scarce on the game at the moment you should keep your eyes on the site as we’re due to get some hands on time in the coming week which’ll be able to detail some more of what’s been added to the formula.

Galaxy of Pen and Paper launches in July of this year, you can find the teaser trailer from the game’s announcement below.


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