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E3 2017 | Yoshi Title Coming to Switch During 2018

Yoshi got a trailer at E3 2017 during Nintendo’s E3 Press Conference, and it shows off a bunch of game features.

Yoshi, apparently a working title still and developed by Good Feel, will be arriving on the Nintendo Switch next year sometime and will support two players locally should players wish to step away from the single player solitary. The game focuses on side scrolling platforming and will see Yoshi exploring a huge world that looks like a miniature diorama, bringing another fancy art style to the Yoshi titles, the most recent being yarn.

Whilst the game is side scrolling, you’ll be able to play from one viewpoint on one side, and also from the opposite side.

Here’s the trailer that shows gameplay and what to expect from the title.


Source: Yoshi Website

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