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White Noise 2 Leaves Early Access Today

White Noise 2, a horror title in which four players evade a single creature controlled by another player is launching today. 

After announcing last month that the title was leaving Early Access, the day has now come forth. The title sees four players acting as investigators who are looking for a series of tapes scattered around the map. Lurking amongst them is a player controlled creature with supernatural abilities and will be trying to take them down, one-by-one.

I ran coverage on the title in the form of three videos. Firstly I ran coverage on the title as a whole, but then I went on to look at the investigators in more detail, and also the creature.

White Noise 2 has received twenty-nine updates during its five month stint in Early Access, and features five playable areas, with over ten investigators to play as, and four different creatures too. More content is in the works for post-launch release.

The trailer can be found below.

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