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Watch: Aporia: Beyond the Valley Launch Trailer

Developers Investigate North, and publisher Green Man Publishing, have released a new trailer for Aporia: Beyond The Valley ahead of it’s launch this Wednesday, 19th of July.

Aporia: Beyond The Valley’s launch is imminent, this week even. To celebrate that the developers have released a new trailer for the game, this time giving a quick peek at the games story.

Now, in a game like Aporia, where the story is told through exploration and puzzle-solving, there’s not too many clues to be found in a two minute trailer, however several of the pieces of artwork start to give off the suggestion of a great migration away from the lands where the game takes place – Ez’rat Qin.

While the subtle story is definitely going to be what drives forward the game, it’s most definitely the game’s visuals which remain the most compelling component. From lush forest through to mysterious cave, and from strange rock-face glyph to animated, Mesopotamian paintings, it all looks extremely well made.

The Mesopotamian-style art isn’t the only time the game channels the architecture of early civilisation, aside from the standing-stones we see in the trailer below there’s several set-pieces in the game which feature jagged, rough-hewn steps reminiscent of Bablyonian Ziggurats. Despite all this the game still manages to feel alien and unusual at times with it’s glowing power-sources and magic-like technology, it is stark in contrast to the game’s forests and woodlands.

You can find the story teaser below,

Aporia: Beyond the Valley launches on the 19th of July for Windows PC. It’ll be available through Steam, here, and through Green Man Gaming (who are publishing), here.

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