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Victor Vran: Overkill Edition, Switch FAQ

Victor Vran has been fighting evil for quite some time, but some people still have questions.

Since exiting Early Access through Steam on July 24th 2015, Victor Vran has seen it’s fan base grow exponentially. Even getting a relaunch as Victor Vran: Overkill Edition in September of 2017, launching on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

After it launched on the Switch I was intrigued by the reviews and excellent trailers enough to give it a try. After playing it for a bit, and having my own questions, I decided to answer some of the most searched questions I could find; a sort of FAQ if you will. So, let’s get started!

  1. Is Victor Vran a Diablo clone?

Of course! Yes, this question was the easiest to answer, but it is a fairly asked question. Many people, myself included, would look at the trailer and assume Victor Vran is just a Diablo 3 clone. Before buying, I can tell you that it’s not perfect and the combat can seem a bit samey, just as Diablo can. However, there is enough variation to change things up and keep it interesting. I think it’s fair to say that while Victor Vran could very well be called a knock-off Diablo, I wouldn’t go as far as calling it a clone.

Aside from game play, Victor Vran also offers a great story, as well as decent voice acting from incredible talent such as Doug Cockle (Geralt of Rivia, The Witcher), Maria Teresa Creasey (Marea/Olara, Horizon: Zero Dawn), and Andrew Wincott (Dr. Watson, Sherlock Holmes: The Devils Daughter). These performances add so much to the game that I was enthralled by it’s story. I love when games deliver a good story and personally, that’s where I find the most value in a game. That all being said, I did find myself beginning to slide into the repetitiveness of the hack n’ slash genre. However, if that is your style and you enjoy the genre, I highly recommend you try Victor Vran.

  1. Where do I get and how do I trade Demon Souls?

Demon Souls are an in game currency that is made available for players after level 26. To get them you’ll need to go to the Cauldron of Chaos, which is a free DLC, and then complete a random set of challenges within the cauldron. The challenges are changed up daily, so you’ll always have something fresh to do when you come back. You can also get them as random loot drops from enemies you kill in the Cauldron. To trade the Demon Souls, you simply need to reach the end of the Cauldron. There, you will meet a vendor who has an assortment of rare items for you to purchase with your souls. These items range from weapons to emotes for Victor to perform.

  1. How do/should I level up?

Leveling in Victor Vran is different than most RPGs that I’ve played and I did enjoy the change up quite a bit. Each level has its own rewards and perks. You’ll get to decide between one of three items at each level. How you decide that is up to you based on how you want to play the game. While it’s not overly complicated, I know some players like to be able to min/max they’re run to get the best experience for their style of play. The developers knew this as well and there is a helpful page on the official Victor Vran Wiki, that details out each of the levels in the progression, up to its maximum of 60!

Happy Playing!

Victor Vran can be purchased on PC, Mac, Linux, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.

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