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Valhalla Hills Gets Definitive Edition Release Date, Arriving On Consoles

The main portal, and a way to the next land, and the next challenge.
Valhalla Hills – Definitive Edition gets a release date and confirmation on console release.

The title by Daedelic Entertainment got a review by Dann last year, but then we had a more recent revisit from Craig. They’re good reads so give them a whirl.

The Definitive Edition will see the title arriving on PS4 and Xbox One on the 28th April 2017. Players will need to guide a group of Vikings to Valhalla, their final resting place, and in doing so, you’ll need to help them survive by building structures and fighting enemies. The Definitive Edition will also include the official DLC, “Sand of the Damned”, and “Fire Mountains”, and there will also be a brand new exclusive map type called, “The Dwarf Cave”.

Valhalla Hills – Definitive Edition will be arriving on the 28th of April for PS4 and Xbox One consoles.

Source: Press Release

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