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E3 2017 | Unknown Fate Gets New Engine-Rendered E3 Trailer

Unknown Fate has pushed its E3 trailer live, shows off the new engine, a chokehold, and telekinesis. 

MarsLit Games have pushed their latest E3 2017 trailer live over on publisher, 1C Company’s YouTube account. It can be viewed below.

The game boasts a surreal world that the protagonist, Richard wanders, his purpose unknown, lost. A game that sits comfy in various genres and a game where Richard explores several worlds, with each world being occupied by a Guardian. It’s believed that the Guardians are there to help him piece his memories together. One Guardian though has succeeded in breaking the boundaries that tied Richard to one place, which is the reason he can roam across worlds freely. That Guardian could be sought out and could hold the answer to Richard’s questions.

Players will wander a world in a first person perspective and come across puzzles to solve, characters to meet, enemies to beat. There are artifacts to discover, and scenes that resemble Richard’s former life are put forward. As more questions are laid out, Richard slowly begins to become more obsessed to find out the truth.

The title will be arriving for PC and will include support for VR. It will also be arriving for Mac, PS4, and Xbox One and we can expect to see it during the Autumn of 2017.

Source: Press Release

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