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Twin Soul Takes The Co-op Survival Horror Genre To A Beautiful Soviet Apartment.


While plodding along IndieDB, I came across Twin Soul – A survival horror by game developer, White Noise. It’s set in an apartment within Russia, post USSR, and puts the players into a co-op nightmare where they have died and been trapped in purgatory as opposed to being sent to heaven or hell. Essentially you don’t really play characters, you play their souls trying to find the exit and finding out why they are in purgatory. There’s another thing, they are hiding from monsters of sorts. A monster that can either be killed, or avoided. The game’s IndieDB page states that each monster have unique weaknesses and strenghts. It’s also suggested that the player takes the evasion route as the monsters, regardless of weaknesses, are deadly.

A teaser was released for it today, published onto the AllienLevelDesign YouTube channel, a channel belonging to a Ukranian game level designer called Aleksandr Goryachev. It shows 2 minutes, 44 seconds of high quality level design, starting off by showing the general mess of what looks like a derelict apartment. Rusty extractor vans, a burning gas hob, a cup on the edge of a kitchen table with some interesting lighting from the passing train that can be heard outside, flashing past on the wall in the background. As the camera pans around to the edge of the table, it suddenly tips over, falling to the floor. The light above rocking from the trains vibrations, but once it passes, all calms. Then we see an incredibly creepy mouth coming through a pipe, as if it has just come out of a tin, then we see a huge mass of this monster, sprawling around a room, draped like spaghetti. Flesh spaghetti.

It looks wonderfully eerie, and as a co-op game, I’m really excited to see how it works, as generally, an apartment is fairly small. The teaser is available to view below, and you can go to their Twitter or Facebook and keep updated on development. There has been no confirmation on release dates, but seems to only be available on PC, and is running on the Unreal Engine 4.

What do you think about the creepy teaser?

Source: IndieDB

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