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Steve Jackson’s Sorcery! Gets Free Update, Brings New Challenges, Difficulty, And Extras

Inkle, the developers behind the RPG that turns a tabletop game to life, with choices at every turn have released a free update that brings some new features to the table.

The Sorcery! series has been covered by myself, you can read up on Part 1 & 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

The update will be released as a free update, and one of the features to be included will be a much harder difficulty, titled, “Merciless”. This will introduce stronger enemies, a few early, but powerful spell objects to find, and new secrets for fans.

The update will require you to have completed Sorcery! Part 4, you’ll take your completed Part 4 save, and drop it into Part 1, which will reveal the new difficulty.

The update is free and available now.

Source: Inkle Blog

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