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Starbreeze Studios Announce Payday 3 In Financial Statement

Payday 3 has been announced by Starbreeze Studios themselves in their latest financial statement.

The financial statement that was posted earlier today looked at the studios financial year end report from 2016. While they haven’t released an official public, and easily obtainable confirmation, the financial report contains the confirmation…you just had to look to find it.

“It is with great satisfaction that we also can announce that PAYDAY 3 production is officially initiated and at a full design stage.”

That snippet was towards the end of the statement and the rest of the paragraph states,

“I’d like to especially clarify, that this project will enjoy as much time as we deem needed. It will be done when it’s done. This is our single most important brand today and the cornerstone of our business and we will treat it accordingly. Updates in the near future might be scares and far between. You simply don’t rush PAYDAY 3.”

In addition to the announcement, there is also mention of developers working with VR, so perhaps Payday 3 will support VR too?

Basically, Starbreeze are going to be taking their time with the next title, and I would expect us to see a 2018 release going by that. I would also expect it to be coming to PC, Xbox One, PS4, and of course by that point, we’ll have the Scorpio.

Don’t hold me to that though, that’s just speculation, and hopefully we’ll see some updates outside of a financial statement soon.

Source: Starbreeze Website

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