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Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Gets New Video, Shows Side Ops Mission and Challenge Mode

CI Games have pushed another video for their upcoming, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 and it shows off a challenge mode during a side op mission.

While players may want to follow the main story behind Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, they may want to veer off and explore the huge open world that sits before them.Side missions are an option and are noted as, “Side Ops”, but they’re large side missions, not small, “pick this crate up!” missions.

The below video shows a side op in progress with a challenge mode added to it. Challenge mode was apparently a request by the community, and removes the HUD, increases enemy perception, and the enemy markers disappear after using a surveillance drone. All in all, it makes it rather challenging!

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 was to be arriving on the 4th of April, but was pushed back to the 25th of April to allow them time to fine tune the title. It’ll be arriving on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.


  1. Dimitri V says

    Such side ops can be fun. Even when we in the middle of main sceanrio, there will be always time to make some break and go rouge:)

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