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Sega Forever is Sega’s Free To Play Retro Approach for iOS, Android, Starts Today

Sonic The Hedgehog, Phantasy Star II, Comix Zone, Kid Chameleon, and Altered Beast are launch titles in Sega’s new initiative.

Sega’s solution to mobile emulation and ROMs is an interesting one; they’ve built their own versions of their classic games which allow people to play old games at zero risk, for free. It’s a good solution, even reputable emulators have issues on certain phones, and -correct me if I’m wrong- aren’t available on iOS legitimately, so it’s a solid capture for Sega.

The initiative will launch with the five games listed above (which gives it a launch line-up as long as the SNES) with an additional game coming every two weeks.

It’s far too optimistic to hope for Psycho Fox, Fantasy Zone: The Maze, and Bonanza Bros, anytime soon, but time will tell. (Also, *Cough* Shining Force.)

Each game will run with adverts, unless players pay £1.99 to waive it, per game – regular fare for many modern mobile games.

You can find the launch trailer below,

Each game will also include leaderboards, controller support, and cloud-saves.

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