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Second Might & Magic Showdown Dev Diary Focuses on the Model Painting

Ubisoft have uploaded a second developer diary for miniatures  strategy game Might & Magic Showdown.

Following the sudden release of the game into early access on the 19th of this month, Ubisoft have started releasing developer diaries for  their Miniatures twist on their long-running strategy RPG.

For those unfamiliar with the game, it follows conventional PvP skirmish rules with skills and abilities, however each unit is also represented with a model which can be customised, custom painted, and made almost wholly unique. I do feel that I should add that the game isn’t (currently?) turn-based, which is a tad odd for the series.

It’s the painting in the game which is the major focus in this developer diary, as the developers talk over and show the level of fine detail that can be delivered with the game’s tools.

Might & Magic Showdown is currently availble on Steam Early Access.

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