Rising Storm 2: Vietnam’s Customisation Shown off in New Trailer

Tripwire Interactive, the publishers for upcoming Rising Storm 2: Vietnam, from developer Antimatter Games, have released a new trailer for the upcoming title, as well as announcing a new round of beta access.

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam, takes the gritty, unforgiving nature of the Rising Storm and Red Orchestra games and transports them to the Vietnam War.

Developers, Antimatter Games, have been working on the game for some time now, with the expected release of it currently targeting early 2017. As such, there is an opportunity for new beta testers to join up over on the game’s website.

The new trailer focuses on the customisation options available to the two factions in the upcoming shooter, ranging from uniform variants, facial and headgear options, and load-out combinations. If you wanna run around with a sniper rifle and a cowboy hat, you certainly can.

So, if you want to get to grips with the game before it’s early 2017 release, why not nip over to the website and sign up?

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