Review | Bezier
So story mode – From what I could gather you’re in some computer and this advanced AI called Magus Domus, has gotten out of control and you must end it. Simple right? Good, because this game is more so based on the graphics and sound track, which is awesome considering this game was made by a single producer. While every game mode is very similar (shooting, explosions and dodging) in a nut shell you destroy annoying bright enemies to get close to the shields before your judgement runs out (time limit to me and you). While the story is displayed in white text at the start of every level, I found it interesting but more of a distraction, never the less it was a good read.
“The graphics are mesmerizing, the sound track is entrancing, and the game play, while repetitive is strangely addictive”
Endurance mode. Now what arcade game in its own right won’t have an endurance mode? This as the name suggests is fighting as many waves of enemies as you can until you die. Nothing much to add to this but one cool thing I did find was at the beginning of every wave you had a little message pop up and a little certain message popped up which had me laughing for a bit; let’s not spoil the fun go play it and find out.
“…this game is more so based on the graphics and sound track, which is awesome considering this game was made by a single producer.”
Another cool feature is the upgrade screen where you can level up and spend your hard earned XP; this carry’s on through all the different game modes and gives you some pretty awesome ability’s. Such abilities are increased speed, damage, and resistance to name a few, and while in the game you can get pickups again I shall only name one – Guardian – This swings a little ball of death around your ship. Now the rest is up to you to find no point in telling you everything!
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