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Queen’s Quest 2: Stories of Forgotten Past — Deploy the detective cube

Another weekend, another point and click, hidden object game with a cheesy story to sit down and play. This time it’s Queen’s Quest 2: Stories of Forgotten Past. We take on the role of a shapeshifting, alchemist detective, trying to get to the bottom of a conspiracy to assassinate the king!

Queen’s Quest 2: Stories of Forgotten Past frequently takes reference from many classic fairy tales, weaving together a story with multiple characters you’ll likely recognize: Robin Hood, Little Red, Hansel and Gretel. Each of these make their appearance in due time. As someone who studied classic fairy tales in school, I found that the story bringing them together as characters in the same mystery was a smart and smooth way to bring them together. The experience all plays out more like a crime and detective game then the previous point and click, hidden object games I’ve played, with a lot of detective work to be done! 

But, onto the gameplay itself. You are a famous alchemist who is tasked to find out who murdered the most trusted agent of the king. You don’t always have to be in human form for this journey and instead will be using an ‘alchemic cube’ device to make potions, look at evidence and otherwise aid you in your journey. The Queen’s Quest does frequently play out much like the other point and click, hidden object games in this genre with the same variety of puzzles and lovely scenes where you can find various objects, as well as bits of story littered about. It’s the detective cube that really adds a new twist.

You are able to open up the cube and add objects into it to make potions or start little puzzles, and can do this at almost any point. The cube opens up on each of its sides, looking like a massive work desk complete with many objects to play around with. You can take different samples and bring them into your cube, using microscopes to find different elements within samples taken from the scene of crimes. This cube is also where you are able to make your shapeshifting potions once you have added various recipes to your book. Most of these are used to  get into smaller places or go further and faster. 

The story itself has a few twists and turns, just when I thought the game was going to end, another bit of story revealed itself, taking me on another little quest. The puzzles throughout Queen’s Quest 2: Stories of Forgotten Past are, as always, lovely. It comes complete with 26 puzzles, not including hidden object puzzles, you’ll have a lot to explore and playthrough. I tend to play through on the Expert mode and refuse to use hints, but there are hints that you can use in the various puzzles, as well as skip the more challenging ones completely. 

Having played about four of these I no longer have any hitbox issues with console inputs — as I am now an expert — but it is once again worth mentioning that a novice might struggle at the hands of the port’s ‘circle’ hitboxes are simply not as accurate as a mouse cursor.

Once you finish the story, there is a bonus scene within the game that you unlock and get to play. This is like a mini-version of the story and doesn’t take long to complete, but is a nice reward, especially when you want to play a bit longer. 

Queen’s Quest 2: Stories of Forgotten Past is available now on almost every single platform going, including PC, Mac, iOS, Android and most consoles. We reviewed it on Xbox One.

  1. Dee says

    I’ve played these games through Google play on a tablet and have only discovered that they are on console also. Can anyone tell me if the console versions are better as they are twice the price. If they are better or there’s more gameplay I’d definitely pay the higher rate as I feel the Google play version too short sometimes thank you

    1. Jupiter Hadley says

      I’ve never played the google play versions of them, but can take a look! What console are you looking at getting them on?

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