Big Boss Battle
Gaming News, Reviews & Opinions

Points & Tabs: 25th of January 2017


Hello, and welcome to today’s Points & Tabs where we settle down after a long day of something and link out to the shifts in the industry that we’ve covered, and those that we haven’t.

Tomorrow is a big day. I mean, we could say that almost any day when it comes to the industry, but tomorrow really is a big day.

For starters, we’ve got that bloody Obsidian site counting down to something, trying to give us heart attacks. We’ve also got Mass Effect news coming tomorrow as part of their scorched Earth PR campaign to make up for lost time before the game’s release (I’m kidding, I’m enjoying this). There’s also two more announcements being teased for tomorrow. Square Enix AND Marvel.

Square Enix & Marvel both put out teasers at about the same time, and managed to send speculation sky high, with people flapping around saying that they might even be related. If they are related, which we have to face is a real possibility what with Marvel being owned by Disney who already work with Square Enix on Kingdom Hearts, then it’s possibly going to be related to the Kingdom Hearts series.

But, for a second, let’s crank that dial up to 11 and think on what else it could be. Here’s some suggestions.

  1. Final Fantasy: The New Class
  2. Bravely Default: The Fantastic Four
  3. Kane & Lynch & Asbestos Lady
  4. Vagrant Story: 1602
  5. Captain America Shellshock

While we’re here though, a new Punisher game would be ace.

Video Games News, From B3’s Mouth,

Op-Ed – Why I love Fallout New Vegas’ Storytelling
GG – Silver Grapple
News – Warcube Early Access Date Revealed

News – Decksplash, New Game From Bossa Studios Flips To The Kick, And Shuvit’s To A Pop
News – Prey Trailer Released Today Gives a Day that We Can Play
News – Nexon Announce Hyper Universe, a Side-On MOBA, for 2017 Release in Americas, Europe & Oceania
News – LINELIGHT; Release Date & Pricing Confirmed
News – Super Blackjack Battle II Turbo Edition Gets Official Announcement Trailer
News – Don’t Starve Heading to UK Retail in ‘Don’t Starve Mega Pack’ Q2 2017
News – Hellion – Super-Tough, Sci-Fi, Multiplayer Survival Game – Seals February Early Access Launch
News –  RPG/Roguelike Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic Hits Xbox One this February (Updated)
News – Minit Announced; Adventure Title Where You’ve got Sixty Seconds to Make a Difference
News – SEGA Have Embraced Spotify

And, here’s what we didn’t get the chance to cover, from the source.
  • Ironhide Game Studio have released beta gameplay of their upcoming ‘Iron Marines’  RTS. It’s got a cool cell shared art style and pulls off scale in a big way. (Trailer)
  • We previously completely accidentally missed mentioning that Thaumistry: In Charms Way is live on Kickstarter, the game is a text based adventure packed to the brim with humour and content (Kickstarter)
  • Rooster Teeth Games is switching to focus on publishing indie titles. There’s no word as to whether they’ll continue development, but a first title has been announced to be working with them in Invisible Collective’s Battlesloths 2025: The Great Pizza Wars.
  • Dungeons of Rezrog is now Rezrog and will be published by Kasedo Games, the indie wing of Kalypso Media. I was really impressed with the game when I featured it in our Greenlight Highlight series.
  • World of Goo, Little Inferno & Human Resource Machine were confirmed as Switch launch titles by Tomorrow Corporation
  • They managed to make Fetch a thing. Fetch, the chipper adventure title has launched on Steam. Its a curious beast that doesn’t know what it wants to be, and that’s amazing. (Steam)
  • Tekken 7 got its release date a few days back, now it has its first DLC character being teased in a trailer. Eliza will be free for players who pre-order.(Trailer)
  • Conan Exiles got an ‘Official Cinematic Trailer’ which normally translates to ‘Wot Plays Wen U Turn it On’. It’s pretty nifty. (Trailer)
  • Ghost Blade HD was announced by 2DreamM & Hucast Games. The bullet hell will release for Steam, PS4, Xbox One & Wii U later this year. (Trailer)
  • Square Enix detailed the ‘Professional’ difficulty level for Hitman which will update alongside the physical release soon.  The gist of it? It’s chuffing hard. Details over on the (Square Enix Blog)
  • Black Desert Online’s Margoria Expansion is out now. The expansion adds a ridiculously oversized ocean to the already expansive MMO. (Trailer)
  • Embers of Mimm, a strange puzzle platformer coming to the PS4 soon got a teaser trailer ahead of its Spring release. (Trailer)
  • In great news for acceptance of the industry, the talented Jessica Curry (Composer at The Chinese Room) will be hosting a Video Game music show on the -previously rather frosty- Classic FM station. (Tweet)

We run these round-ups from Monday to Saturday, so make sure to check back tomorrow.

If you think we missed something then why not drop it into the comments below? We’ll jump right on getting it fixed.

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