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Nidhogg 2 Playable This Week in Europe at GamesAreForEveryone Event

Nidhogg 2, a sequel title with side-scrolling, melee action foaming from the mouth, will be playable for the first time in Europe this week at GamesAreForEveryone.

Messhof, the developer behind the title are going to be showing off a playable PS4 build of Nidhogg 2 at GamesAreForEveryone. An event that takes place this Friday night in the lands of Edinburgh. The title will allow players – for the first time in Europe – to play the title that features a giant wurm.

Available as singleplayer game, and a two-player game, this title see’s players duelling against other players or AI across ten different arenas. The event will allow players to try out four brutal levels on Friday the 21st April 2017. Tickets are available to nab here.

Nidhogg 2 will be available sometime this year.and will be arriving on PC, Mac, and PS4.

Source: Press Release

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