Big Boss Battle
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BOOT | Eagle Island

Eagle Island, developed by Nick Gregory, is a side-scrolling, pixel art title about exploring a procedurally generated island with your owl companion. The title has taken to Kickstarter to hit a £20,000 goal before funding ends on the 16th of May 2017. 

Eagle Island is on Kickstarter to raise £20,000 to help push the game to completion, and at the time of writing this, it sits at, £5,149 with 319 backers. The funding is set to end on the 16th of May 2017, and the title is being developed for PC, Mac, and Linux.

The story follows the protagonist, Quill, and his owl, Koji that explore the island of, Avian while they head to save Quill’s brother, Ichiro from the huge, evil eagle, Armaura. The title shares a metroidvania 2D side-scrolling style playing style, and brings nine procedurally generated environments to explore, each with their own boss, and challenges. Quill does all the running, jumping, and sends out his owl, Koji to attack enemies.

There are Totems to collect before the big battle with Armaura, and once a feather of a Totem has been acquired, Koji can equip them and gain elemental powers that can be used by collecting ancient gems that can be obtained by performing combos. There are chests hidden around the areas, and for a small in-game fee, the chest is yours, and the perk within it is yours.

There are no stretch goals listed, but the reward tiers are rather fruitful. Eagle Island looks like a wonderful homage of 16-Bit classics, and will be arriving on PC, Mac, and Linux. It’s currently trying to find its way onto Steam through the Steam Greenlight process. It’s also due to launch sometime around mid 2018.

You can view the Kickstarter campaign here

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