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News | Brut@l Co-op Mode Detailed W/ New Trailer


Stormcloud Games recently took to the [Playstation Blog] to detail the two-player co-operative mode that comes included with Brut@l, their upcoming dungeon crawler with an art style inspired, influenced, and including ascii characters.

The mode will generally follow the gist of the single player experience, a dungeon delve down 26 floors to fight the big boss. However, there are several points that the developer’s stressed on the blog. The loot and equipment collected by each player will not be shared, but will be fully shareable,and the resurrection system in game will split the person performing the act’s health in half. What this means is that it’s sometimes worth holding on, and seeking out the corpse on the next floor down once you’ve healed up, before you do it.

There’s no confirmation of a release date yet, however the game is set to launch on PC and PS4 when it’s ready. The game is confirmed as coming to Steam as it’s already passed through the Greenlight process.

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