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Mutant Football League Stretch Goals Revealed

After the successful second attempt at Kickstarting Mutant Football League seeing the title raise over their £60,000 target, Digital Dreams have now unveiled their stretch goals.

We previously covered the news that Mutant Football League had surpassed their Kickstarter target of $60,000 after their first attempt to raise $750,000 in a previous Kickstarter.

The stretch goals have now been released in an update yesterday, and the updates already achieved are an Alien Species and a bribe and kill the ref. A new dirty trick named, “Shotgun”, a new team called, “Galaxy Chaos”, a Space Field to play on, and “Unlockables”.

The next stretch goal will be achieved once $77,000 has been reached and will bring a new character species to the game. The whole stretch goal list can be found below.

Mutant Football League is planned to release this October for PC, and next Spring for Consoles.

Source: Kickstarter Update Page

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