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Monster Camp Demo — Saucy summer camp fun

With no major gaming events like E3 taking place this year, developers and platforms have taken it upon themselves to fill in the gap with their own events, with the Steam game festival being one such event, and stepping back into the world of Monster Prom was a great way to start.

From the 16th–22nd of June, the festival showcased a whole host of games and live streams with hundreds of free demos for new and upcoming indie games, and thanks to moving home I was left without wifi for longer than I’d have liked. But in that time, I spent it playing through some of the demo’s and have made a collection of small articles with my thoughts on a few of them so feel free to check them out on B3!

Having reviewed the original game for the Nintendo Switch, I was more than willing to try out Beautiful Glitch’s newest outing and it didn’t disappoint.

As described by the developers themselves, “We’re repeating the best from the popular “Monster Prom” formula, but adding some new spices to it”, and this certainly seems like it was the right call. With the same excellent style as before, the few quick turns that I spent with the game had shown me that the personality and charm of Monster Prom looks to be alive and well, With returning characters, as well as some new faces, the dialogue and characters felt just like it did before, with the humour and absurdity fans have come to love.

With the addition of some new mechanics such as the campfire, two new prologue minigames, a gossiping bug, and magic mixed drinks, Monster Camp is set to be a more robust offering despite its slightly smaller scale, with an absurd amount of new events and endings to collect.

While it may look to be a similar experience as before, this little taster showed just enough new features and characters to get me more than excited to drive right back into the world of monster prom when it releases.

Monster Camp is releasing soon with a demo available to play now. Check out the developer’s Twitter or Website for more details.

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