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Miles and Kilo is an adorable platformer all about a boy and his dog.


Miles and Kilo is an adorable platformer all about a boy and his dog.

Extremely retro-inspired Miles and Kilo, from Michael Burns and publisher Four Horses, follows the story of the titular duo as they attempt to make their way through a remote, haunted island covered in bees, frogs and baddies galore.

Unlike its prequel, Kid Tripp, Miles and Kilo isn’t an infinite runner outside of its boss levels — which are played through as Kilo — although the experience is still definitely a pacey one, with later levels feeling like manic dashes through caverns and mines. All of the platforming staples are in place, including double-jumps and sliding, however you can also launch fruit at enemies to defeat them.

We’re faced with a unique problem these days in that there are simply so many platformers out there that do it so well. Miles and Kilo, as well as Kid Tripp and games like Bloo Kid, definitely fall under this category and this makes it incredibly hard for them to stand out from others. While it certainly doesn’t do anything new, it does manage to deliver with considerable consistency and a wonderful art style. I especially enjoyed the levels where Kilo takes charge, with Miles dragged behind via the leash — there was a speed and dynamic in it which is rarely matched in other games.

My time with the extended demo at EGX, earlier in the year, was enjoyable — and I have no doubt that Miles and Kilo will be a game that many people find enjoyment in. I just feel that its name will be forgotten in the flooded genre — and that is a shame.

Miles and KIlo is available now for PC, Mac, Nintendo Switch and iOS devices.

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