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Meganoid, Relaunch of Mobile Masterpiece, Coming to PC on March 30th

Five years after the original launched, Meganoid is set to return as a remastered, relaunch of the mobile title, for more platforms.

The overhauled game, as you can see in the launch trailer below, features the squat-pixel visuals that we’ve all come to expect from OrangePixel, however also shows off many new features and mechanics that the one-man development team has finessed over the years since the game first released.

Where the first outing was a 30-level romp, Meganoid (2017) has a guided-procedural level generation system, pick-ups, and an inventory system.

Those interested in seeing the game in action would do themselves no harm in watching the developer’s recent Twitch stream, here. Alternately, it’s actually already available in Google Play Early Access right now.

Meganoid (2017) is set to release on March 30th on Steam, it’s listed as $3.99+VAT on the developers website, although that’s with a 20% pre-launch discount.

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