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Look at the Sunderwind Wilds of Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles has another trailer, this time focusing on the Sunderwind Wilds. 

Yonder, has a new trailer from the Developers, Prideful Sloth, and it has been pushed to the official YouTube channel and not only looks at the beautiful, and stunning wilderness of the Sunderwind Wilds, but also shows off the creatures called, Squombles.

The trailer shows a vast amount of foliage, and grass, covering the open wonderland with a pastel green. It’s pretty cute really. There’s also a little look at some of the structures around the Wilds. Take a look below.

The title will be arriving in July on the 18th, and it’ll be available on PC and PS4, with a Special PS4 Edition being available.

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