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Leslie Benzies Opens Another Studio & Recruits Former Crytek Hungary Boss

Leslie has been a busy man, with him opening up five new studios last month and trademarking a potential title. and now he’s opening another studio to add to his studio empire that he announced his plans for at the end of January.

There have been two offices previously opened in Edinburgh and LA. The third office has been added in Budapest, and in addition to that, Benzies has recruited former Crytek Hungary boss, Kristoffer Waardahl to lead it.  Other members of the office have AAA, mobile, and VR experience under their belts too.

This is focusing more attention on Benzies’ “Everywhere Project” that still remains a mystery. What we do know however is that it is an open-world game, and with not only Benzies, but other leading GTA creators (Matthew Smith and Colin Entwistle) on board with Benzies new empire, it sounds quite promising. Leslie announced Everywhere last month, and has stated that he is using Amazon’s Lumberyard engine to  develop the game.

“To develop and build a beautiful open world game is one of our core passions and it resonates deeply with the team. When we heard Leslie’s vision for the game we jumped at the opportunity to join Everywhere and are delighted to be part of the core team bringing the game alive.” – Kristoffer Waardahl

What are your assumptions with what this, “Everywhere” could be? A VR game similar to GTA maybe?


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