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Kingdom Hearts 3 Gets Screenshot, Hints Keyblade Can Be Used In Various Ways

During the Monaco Anime Game International Conferences 2017, or MAGIC 2017, Square Enix revealed a screenshot from the upcoming Kingdom Heart 3 title.

While only one screenshot was teased at MAGIC 2017, we get a good look at the new graphical style as well as a tiny commentary from Director, Tetsuya Nomura. The screenshot shows Sora in a battle against a new type of Heartless, surrounded by uprooted ground and dust. The Heartless a giant monstrous being with a type of mace for a weapon. The Keyblade transformed into a shield.

Nomura confirmed that the story still takes place in Thebes, and that the Keyblade made be shown as a shield in the screenshot, but it can become many other things, one of those things being a chariot going by the name, “Power Form”.

Back in 2016 a gameplay trailer was released giving a look at the combat system and while no release date has been confirmed, I would expect more details to be announced at this years E3.

Source: Gameblog

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