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Kickstarter Return for Legrand Legacy Brings New Demo, New Target, and is Already Over Half Funded

Legrand Legacy, a homage to classic JRPGs, is back on Kickstarter with a revised target, and a new demo tweaked by player feedback from the game’s first crowdfunding outing.

The game’s first crowdfunding campaign, from late last year, managed to raise just over £65,000 towards its goal, which is certainly no mean feat, although somewhat surprising due to quality of the game’s demo, apparent reach, and assets that were on show.

During the game’s first campaign it passed through Steam Greenlight, where we covered the title, and we also managed to catch up with and interview project lead Henry William “Uwil” Winata.

Semisoft, however, have now returned to Kickstarter, with a lower target of £40,000 and a planned release date of September this year. The page also includes a link to a new version of the original alpha, which covers the prologue of the game where protagonist Finn, an amnesiac slave, escaping the gladiatorial arena through the employ of a mysterious stranger.

You can find the Kickstarter trailer below, and the Steam Page embed below that.

Legrand Legacy funding will close on February 17th at 09:00 GMT, at time of posting the game has £23,431 of  it’s £40,000 funding goal.

It’s Kickstarter page is (here)

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