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Latest Wonder Boy: Dragon’s Trap Character Reveal is LionMan

Lizardcube have released a video vignette on twitter showcasing a fourth form for the titular Wonder Boy in Wonder Boy: Dragon’s Trap; and it’s LionMan.

Lizardcube’s Wonderboy is a modernised remake of the 1989 Master System title that we’ve covered here a few times before; while the title is a remake, the sheer effort that’s been shown as to have been going into the new art style, design and audio has made this into a must-have for fans of the series, fans of platformers, and fans of Metroidvanias – even though Wonder Boy predated the term.

With Lizard, Mouse, Piranha, and Lion under belt we’ve only got Hawk-man and Hu-man left to see.

Hopefully we’ll also see a release date for the title soon.

Wonder boy: The Dragon’s Trap is currently planned for a 2017 release, when it launches it is confirmed to be doing so for PC, Switch, Xbox One & PS4.

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