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Immortal Redneck is an Egyptian-themed Rogue-lite filled with Shotguns, Snakes and Skills


Rogue-lite mechanics and shooter fuse together in Immortal Redneck, from Crema Games, which launches on Xbox One & PS4 on February 27th.

Our very own Stefan has reviewed the Xbox One version of the title, which you can find below.

It’s not our first rodeo with the rogue-lite, I actually chose it as one of my contenders for Game of the Year 2017 as a result of it’s April 2017 release date, writing that “Immortal Redneck is a roguelite shooter, but unlike its subgenre contemporaries of Heavy BulletsTower of Guns and (the exceptional) Rogue Shooter, it captures the pace and verticality of Quake and Unreal Tournament but then deftly nips off towards the procedural with how it handles level and enemy distribution. It’s extremely easy to pick up and play, and the progression system ensures that you never feel too disheartened when you only make it up a few floors.”

Immortal Redneck will, as of the 27th, be available on PC, Xbox One & PS4. It is due to launch on Nintendo Switch over the next short while.

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