Greenlight Highlight | Vulture Island

vulture-island-logoTitle: Vulture Island
Developer: Donut Games
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Platform Adventure

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Three children find themselves stranded on Vulture Island, they must explore the island using each of their own abilities to find a way to escape to safety.

What do we like most about it?

Simple controls, simple art style, nice parallax background and some town hubs to spend your gold and unlock items. It’s really the basics of the adventure platformer genre, and it looks pretty damn good at doing it.

Just in the trailer alone we see several item pick-ups, a nice varied level-selection over-world and a box puzzle being solved with use of an enemy.

Assuming the price is right, this is definitely a game that a lot of retro-gamers will enjoy, and considering the game was less than £4 on the app store, it looks set to launch at a reasonable price on PC.

When’s it due?

Vulture Island is already available for android devices, so there would presumably not be much of a delay from greenlight to launch on this one.

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