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Greenlight Highlight | Therian Saga

therian-saga-logoTitle: Therian Saga
Developer: Virtys
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Massively Multiplayer Online Strategy RPG.

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

A combination of a MUD, deep strategy layer, and dungeon crawler RPG.

What do we like most about it?

Therian Saga has a massive reputation surrounding the depth of gameplay, and massive extent of customisation and items that can be created within it. It already has a massive following of people with unending patience for the game’s pages of text, and massive roll of stats, and that can only be for good reason.

For those unaware of the game, it’s what the developers refer to as an asynchronous game, IE it runs on real-time, so you can set up for a long task before the workday to find it finished when you get in; people can carefully micromanage their time or focus on larger tasks to cover any longer absences from the game. You use your moments with the game to work for guilds, quest, or trade, there’s a massive amount of depth to the game.

You can find out all about it on its website, if you wish, []

When’s it due?

Therian Saga is already available through their website, so will likely launch onto Steam shortly after it’s greenlit.

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