Big Boss Battle
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Greenlight Highlight | Sullen

Sullen - LogoTitle: Sullen
Developer: Chrisizeful
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Arcade Platformer

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

A tough arcade-style platformer where the inside of the line of a circle serves as your platform, and you dodge various deadly obstacles of increasing difficulty.

What do we like most about it?

Aside from the effective combination of bright colours & upbeat music, it’s probably the fact that the game seems extremely easy to pick-up and play, but, as you would hope with any arcade game -or even bullet-hell-, extremely hard to master.

The game features boss battles (as seen in the trailer) after surviving ten levels. Each of the levels is said to be 30 seconds long, which really seems like the sweet spot when it comes to short micro-level type games. From what little we can tell from the trailer, they seem to be wiling to shift the pace and patterns of the obstacle types frequently, which always bodes well.

Thankfully Sullen appears to be a strong candidate amongst the waves of arcade-type games flooding to Steam through Greenlight, as the store becomes increasingly diverse it’s becoming increasingly hard for arcade games to find their place; but, hopefully strong candidates like Sullen can join those already in situ to help forge a place for the category.

When’s it due?

Sullen has a planned release window of third quarter 2016, when it launches it is set to do so for PC, Mac & Linux.

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