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Greenlight Highlight | Shady Brook

shady-brook-logoTitle: Shady Brook
Developer: Unimatrix Productions
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Text-Adventure with Visual Overlay.

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

The town of Shady Brook is filled with mystery and secrets, as author Jake Torrent can you get to the bottom of the strange goings on?

What do we like most about it?

I’m a massive fan of interactive fiction and text adventures, so anything stating that it channels Twin Peaks -as the Steam greenlight page for this does- is set to pique my interest. The game is said to be just over 8 hours long, with a story full of twists and turns and brimming with peculiar characters and events.

I also quite like the fact that the developers have very specifically channelled early room-based, text-adventure games, with all transitions and connects actually viewable on a plotted map you carry with you.

I’m interested to see how the game manages to fill the proposed 8 hours, I’ve played a lot of games of the sort which have racked up about 4 hours, so doubling that up seems like a tall order.

When’s it due?

Shady Brook is already available through other platforms, and will be launching on Steam for Windows PC shortly after passing through the Greenlight process.

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