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Greenlight Highlight | Robo Puzzle Smash

Title: Robo Puzzle Smash
Developer: Pxlplz
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?


What is it?

It’s a dropping block puzzle game which then plays out as combat in the background. Think Puzzle Fighter meets Mean Bean Machine.

Not only are you controlling where the blocks drop, the grid that they are against can rotate, meaning there’s an extra level of play available in setting up drop combos by stacking sides high before flipping.

That and the trailer has an awesome song; I hope that musical style persists in the full game.

When’s it due?

Robo Puzzle Smash is currently listed for a Spring 2017 release. When it does launch it will do so for Windows, Mac & Linux.

Note: This planned release date does hinge on the success of the game’s Kickstarter, which you can view HERE (if you are reading before Feb 4th).

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