Greenlight Highlight | RainDay

rainday-logoTitle: RainDay
Developer: Irisloft
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?


What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

Save a drowning city using your power to manipulate lights.

What do we like most about it?

The art style is wonderful, contrasting whites, yellows and reds against electrical and mechanical greys and blues. It’s all brought together in the trailer by an absolutely wonderful choice of music track, that I hope is an indicator of the quality of the whole soundtrack.

While the puzzles certainly appear easy, with navigation hindered by nodes which you need to move lights between in order to clear, it’s obvious that a large part of the puzzles revolve around the fact you are opening up a larger, and larger complex to explore.

There’s a major absence of solid details on the Greenlight page, including any rough release date or development timetable. That said, the developer has been updating regularly with their progression through the GL system.

When’s it due?

RainDay is set to launch on Windows PC & Mac.

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