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Greenlight Highlight | Mushroom Crusher Extreme


MushroomCrusher - 01Title: Mushroom Crusher Extreme
Developer: Team Jolly Roger
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?
Arcade Action

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?
You play a mage with a wicked selection of elemental skills navigating an isometric, blocky world to destroy a bunch of giant mushrooms – whoa.

What do we like most about it?
There’s a spell combo system that seems to include an absolute mass of cool looking spells, that and each can be leveled up. It’s a wave defense game at heart, but the cool spell system as well as the art style which – in screenshots – looks reminiscent of deep turn-based strategy games, shows a lot of care has gone into the game. All that said, while it looks turn based it most definitely isn’t – it’s as fast as the spells are wild.

Anything else worth shouting about?
If you’re interested in it, give the devblog a read – – the devs have chronicled the evolution of the title from a flat-worlded, objectless world into what it is now. It’s great to see how the game has evolved from a jam title into what it is now.

When’s it due?
Sometime this year, although the devs are very active on their Greenlight page, so we may find out sooner rather than later.

That’s it for this Greenlight Highlight – join us again soon for some more games worth watching from Valve’s Greenlight service, and also, hopefully, for follow-up content on some of the titles we’ve featured.

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