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Greenlight Highlight | Lost Forever

Title: Lost Forever
Developer: Mixamo
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Action Platformer

What do we like most about it?

The animations of the game are exceptionally smooth and highly detailed, from the scaling of ladders to the combat sequences, however, as the trailer highlights, the game definitely needs some refining and tweaking before these will get truly be able to shine.

The setting, the lighting, and the navigation is all very reminiscent of Deadlight, This War of Mine, and even Prince of Persia and Flashback, which are all fine bedfellows to sit alongside. If the developers can tighten up the animation transitions, and the distance before the animations trigger then they could really be on to something good.

When’s it due?

Lost Forever is currently listed for a first quarter 2017 release on Windows PC, and Mac.

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