Greenlight Highlight | Dynacorp – We Come in Peace

dynacorpTitle: Dynacorp – We Come in Peace
Developer: Rox Flame
[Greenlight Page]
[Kickstarter Page]

What type of game is it?

Platformer Shooter

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

You play as Dynabot, a hyperactive delivery robot tasked with recovering all of his cargo from it’s scattered locations around a procedurally generated, destructible world.

What do we like most about it?

The depth of the different play-styles is refreshing. Any game that allows me to either massacre my way through enemies, carve my way through the map to completely evade them, or use abilities to turn some to my side, is a game that I really want to see come to life.

If you add onto that the fact that each of the bright, colourful game environments are re-generated upon each play, and that we’ve already -from the trailer alone- had masses of variety on show in the trailers, spells for a lot of replayability for players, and hopefully some pleasant surprises as well.

I appreciate that procedural, alien worlds is probably a bit of an odd thing to celebrate in 2016 considering the vitriol -unfortunately- circulating about a certain indie title that hit big, but, I do feel that it’s exceptionally well implemented into this game from what I’ve seen, and the other mechanics and gameplay elements certainly complement it well.

The developer is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter -a meagre $40’000- in order to get the game all tied up and finished for release.

When’s it due?

Dynacorp – We Come in Peace is set to launch in late 2017 for Windows PC, as the title is currently on Kickstarter it may launch on more platforms depending on funding.

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