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Greenlight Highlight | Dungeons of Rezrog

Dungeons of Rezrog - LogoTitle: Dungeons of Rezrog
Developer: Soaphog Game Studio
[Greenlight Page]

What type of game is it?

Turn Based Strategy RPG

What’s the 30 second elevator pitch?

A classic, turn-based dungeon crawler but with deeper strategic RPG systems, a party system, and an absolutely amazing board game motif that runs throughout.

What do we like most about it?

The art style is absolutely brilliant, from the fact that the models are cast aside as they are killed, to the fact that the tiles are all dropped in with the rooms forming as you move up close to their doors, and that they all fall in piece by piece like tiles being laid down to build the board.

Truth be told however, the entire game looks outstanding; from the wide roster of characters, all who can be customised, equipped, and readied with skills and spells, to the fact that each of the pieces of equipment are actually designed in game and so affect the visual appearance of the character’s token in game.

There’s also the party system, wherein (it looks like) you can send in a second character to attempt to complete the dungeon and, while you’re at it, save your captured compadre from jail as to re-add them to the roster. If you do completely fail however there is a progression system that eases the journeys that follow.

I am personally really, really, interested in this game and eagerly look forward to it’s arrival on Steam.

When’s it due?

Dungeons of Rezrog is set for launch later this year for Windows PC – as it’s made on Unity however, other platforms may follow.

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