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Fumiko! Receives Huge Patch, New Content & Mechanics Detailed Within

Fumiko!, the game about an Artificial Intelligence travelling through a cyber world has gained a huge patch.

We’ve covered Fumiko! previously, with Lara running her thoughts on the title being available to read here, and then I went on to interview the Developer behind the game, you can read that here. It was in this news piece that it was announced thatthere was a big update but didn’t really give much away in terms of what was being worked on.

The patch brings many new elements. New Homeworld’s being one, Before, players would have to stumble upon homeworld’s, and there was never any indication as to whether or not players had visited them all. The patch brings a map into play when they’re venturing around Hyperion, it’ll allow players to track what Homeworld’s they have visited and players now get visual hints to show where social activity is happening. There have also been a total of six homeworld’s that have been added to the game, bringing a casual experience with new dialogues while still being affected by the crumbling of Hyperion. A new achievement has also been linked to these homeworld’s.

There is also a new ability that has been added to the game called, Dropdown. This allows players to now drop down suddenly during flight, you can watch the video showing off the ability here.

new menu now supports saved games and removes the original, unfamiliar handling of a menu, and brings a familiar approach. The save game system now allows players to create their own save games and travel between them. When a level is loaded, the game you’re travelling from will be autosaved as a backup. It also looks prettier!

There have also been improvements to hints for those new to platformers, with Multi-jump and Endless Jumping being introduced early on into the game. Earlier levels will also have more platforms to land on and alternative routes to the goal.

The patch seems to have tidied up the title, and sounds like it hasn’t detracted anything from the way the game felt like to play, in fact it seems to have helped in a way that allows the player to enjoy themselves more rather than struggling to understand mechanics and locations.

Below is the new trailer for the game as well, feast your eyeballs. Fumiko! is available on PC, Mac, and Linux.

Source: Press Release

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