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Fimbul’s Socials Tease Upcoming Comic Book Adventure Game, “Fimbul”

Fimbul, a game that isn’t giving much away is teasing numerous GIF’s and details on its social media pages.

Fimble is an upcoming game in development by what would appear to be “B-Evil” (I’m going by the contact email on the Facebook page here) a developer who worked on 99 Levels to Hell in 2014.

While the website is incredibly bare, featuring just a newsletter sign-up form, and a bunch of logos along the bottom, the socials seem to be telling the story.

The story is based around a Viking named, Kveldulver, he’s on an adventure to find an artifact called, Yrding and with this, he will be able to stop the looming catastrophe.

“It is said, that when the Fimbul winter comes, brother shall kill brother, and father shall slay son.”  Facebook About Page

The only indication we have on the games style is that it’s a comic book, action, adventure game. The Twitter and Facebook page are filled with some teasing GIF’s that are stating that the game is built in the Unity Engine. Have a look

It looks like it could possibly be a 3D adventure game or maybe it’ll be a 2D adventure game with a 3D feel? Not much info has been giving, but the mention that it’s a comic book indicates to me personally, that we could be looking at a stylistic 2D art style.

All that’s know in regards to platforms is that it’s coming to Steam/PC

We’ll be keeping eyes on this.

Source: Fimbul Twitter

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