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Fighting Fantasy Legends Announced Through Latest Trailer From Nomad Games

Fighting Fantasy Legends has been announced by a YouTube trailer uploaded by Nomad Games.

The trailer doesn’t really give a whole lot away, but it does tease a lot of stunning artwork. The title itself is being created in conjunction with Steve Jackson, and Ian Livingstone, and is going to be a card-based RPG set within the world of Fighting Fantasy. The reasoning for this is to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the popular gamebook.

Players will get to explore Allansia, gathering up cards, and getting their dice powered up, and with each location comes themed cards specific to that location, bringing decisions to the players hands. There will be three books featured in the title, City of Thieves, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain and Citadel of Chaos.

Coming this Summer sometime, we’ll see the title arriving on iOS, Android, and Steam.

Source: Nomad Games

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