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Family Friendly Fun as Sorgina: A Tale of Witches Launches on Steam

Sorgina: A Tale of Witches is a family friendly title, inspired by Basque Mythology, and now available on Steam.

Binary Soul have pushed their title, Sorgina live on Steam as of the 30th of May 2017. The game is in fact a finalist to the Basque Video Game category from the AzPlay competition 2016. Originally titled, “Sorginen Kondaira” and locally distributed to the Basque Country in 2016, Sorgina: A Tale of Witches is the international and improved version of the game.

With kid friendly themes, this title is suitable for all ages, and see players taking control of a young witch apprentice on a journey to defeat an evil spirit and free her sisters. On the adventure she’ll be faced with puzzles and platforms that must be overcome by using her powers and her brain smarts.

The game is aimed at the younger audience and the puzzles within the title are set to challenge these players as well as teaching them about a new language and mythology. There is also a “Legends Section” in which players can read about the legends and characters from the Basque Mythology.

The third-person low-poly, 3D platformer set in legitimate lands from the Basque Country, is now available on Steam as of the 30th of May 2017. There is a 15% discount until the 6th of June 2017 to mark the release.

Source: Press Release

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