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Ex-Crytek Studio Reopens As Black Sea Games. Focuses Set On Hardcore Gaming.

Last month, Crytek closed down five of their studios around the world, however one has, like a phoenix, been reborn under the name, “Black Sea Games”.

It was only in November 2016 that Black Sea Games was founded according to their website, a month before the shut down process took place in December. The studio before it became Black Sea Games was titled, Crytek Black Sea. The Crytek Black Sea former Managing Director, Vesselin Handjiev, will be retaining the same role at Black Sea Games. Meanwhile Michael Peykov, another ex-staff member of Crytek Black Sea, will be stepping up as Technical Director.

They have released a statement on their website.

Our mission is to create hard-core games that will entertain you over and over again. We believe the best gaming experiences are coming from challenging the players with meaningful choices, while giving them the freedom to create (and share) their own in-game stories. Whether it is a “sandbox” or an “open world”, these are just words. We would know we did our job right,  when you feel like: “Ah,… just one more hour”.

The studio was originally titled, Black Sea Studios back in 2001, creating gems such as, 2004 title, Knights of Honor, and 2008’s WorldShift. It was in 2015 when Crytek came into forces with them as a publisher, and they pushed Arena of Fate.

The new name, Black Sea Games has no titles under their belts, but the website does state that they,

Of course, we are working on something! However, we need some more time before we are fully prepared to announce it loud.

Personally, based on how recently the studio has formed, I doubt we’ll be seeing anything from the studio over the next year; it would be unlikely that they are beyond the pre-production stage of any projects based on recent formation and turmoil

Source: Black Sea Games

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