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New OMORI Trailer Released; Production Delays Clarified

Originally funded back in 2014 on Kickstarter with intent to release in 2015, OMARI is finally nearing completion, with elements of backer fulfilment due later this year.

OMARI, from Omo Cat, is a surreal title about journeying between two worlds, and the secrets that are hidden by both. It has a distinctly Earthbound vibe to it, although as shown in the trailer below, which was released on the first of January, it certainly gets a lot darker than the cult classic.

Omo Cat chalk up engine difficulties to the main reason for the delay, with a transition from one version of RPGMaker to another (to allow for extra formats) as well as an extensive amount of time bug-fixing, and plug-in compatability issues from extensive (34) software updates over the development time responsible for much of the delay.

With the trailer comes at least some promise that the game is moving along in development, and also news that some parts of the Kickstarter pledges should be starting to be sent out in February.

OMARI is currently in development for 3DS, PC & Mac.

Kudos Kotaku

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