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Eternal Maze, A Top Down Puzzle Adventure Arrives On Steam Greenlight

Eternal Maze, a retro looking top down adventure title has arrived on Steam Greenlight after being available on mobile devices last year.

Last year, FredBear Games LTD pushed mobile title, Eternal Maze for iOS and Android, and now the title has cropped up on Steam Greenlight looking to find a place on Steam.

The title looks incredibly retro inspired, and is a story about a farmer that finds himself lost amongst crop circles that requires the player to solve riddles, escape rabid dogs, avoid obstacles and eventually escape from a bunch of mazes with the help of seven different items.

The title launches with one chapter, but another two are set to launch at a later date, and it has eleven different objects that are interactive and will be required to interact with to find the way to the exit, and used correctly.

Eternal Maze is aiming for a PC release and has a Q2 2017 release date planned. The video below shows the gameplay in action and is in Russia, but the title itself supports both English and Russian.

Source: Eternal Maze Steam Greenlight

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